A journey around Japanese whisky
Dave Broom
Photography by Kohei Take
This is an in-depth, personal journey around Japan's whisky distilleries.
Award-winning spirits writer Dave Broom tells the story of Japanese whisky culture and how it is aligned with Japanese concepts of craftsmanship. Following a journey across Japan he made with photographer Kohei Take, Dave investigates what makes Japanese whisky Japanese, the secret of 'Whisky-do'.
As well as profiling the distilleries in detail, Dave interviews the whisky makers and tastes their whiskies, providing full tasting notes. He has long believed that there are parallels between Japan's approach to whisky-making and the country's many traditional arts, and interspersed throughout the book are profiles of craftspeople, chefs and bartenders, demonstrating how a spirit isn't separate from a culture but very much part of it.
Dave Broom has been visiting Japan's whisky distilleries for almost 20 years and is recognized as a leading commentator on this fascinating whisky style. From Akashi's White Oak distillery in the south-west of Japan to Hokkaido's Yoichi distillery in the north, this expert personal guide uncovers the essence of Japan's whiskies and how to enjoy them.
いくつものの賞を受賞したスピリッツ作家のデイブ・ブルームが、日本におけるウイスキー文化と、それが日本の職人技の概念とどのように一致しているかを語ります。彼が写真家の武 耕平と共に日本中を旅した後、デイブは何が日本のウイスキー作り出すのか?「ウイスキー道」の秘密を探ります。